From the producer of the original Devil May Cry® and Resident Evil® 4 comes the next installment in the hugely successful stylized action series that has so far achieved global sales of nearly seven million units.
Devil May Cry® 4 immerses gamers in a gothic supernatural world, where a new protagonist clashes with a familiar hero. As the new leading man, Nero, players will unleash incredible attacks and non-stop combos using a unique new gameplay mechanic, his powerful "Devil Bringer" arm.
With the advanced graphical capabilities of the PC, high definition visuals and intricate detail come to life as players explore new and exotic locales. Dynamic action and undeniable style combine with explosive fighting options and a gripping story to produce the incomparable experience that only a Devil May Cry game can deliver.

OS: Windows XP/Vista
Processor: Pentium 4 @ 3 GHzMemory: 512 MB (1 GB for Vista)
Video Memory: 256 MB (nVidia GeForce 6600 SM3 Required)
DirectX: 9.0c
Have Drive : 3Gb
password rar : indowebster4ever
21 komentar
password waktu extract-nya apa gan? kok susah gini ya?
wah, sry ya, lpa sya ksih pass rarx.
skrang udah sya ksih passwordx
mantap, makasih gan !!
Ini benar" bisa work gan..??
bntar gan. . .
sya lgi proses pndownloadtan. .
do'a in aja mga" msih bsa!!
oke gan, ane doain..,soalnya ane dah Part 6 gan,takut gak bisa...
ane cicil tuh downloadnya tiap hari 1 part,sekarang dah part 6 berti dah 1 mingu gw downloadny..hehehe
gan ??? ane uda dnlod smuanya nih gan ^_^ tapi masalahnya waktu ane milih setup.exe nya ekstraknya g mau jalan gan ??? cuman 1% doank ^_^ ini gimana gan ??? tolong pencerahannya gan ??? please ^_^
stlah didownload smwa filex udah di extract mwa lom?
kok pas setup uda 40%an setupnya failed kenapa ya???
Ijin sedot gan....and thanks banget buat postingannya....
gmn seh cara install nya?
ini work 100% gak gan???
gan kok file terakhir gak bisa di ekstrak...wrong password katanya...thanks
GMNA cara main nya gan ? pas selesai instal nya malah failed ?
passx gk bisa :(
bsa itu gan. . .
salah kopasx salah itu. .
di blkang passwordx diatas ada spasix, jdi kalo di kopas spasi diblkangx jga ikut terkopas. .
coba lagi gan. .
gan minta patch pes 2010 season 2012-2013
gan wronk password yg part 4-.-"
part 3 jg eror
part 6 ama part 9 kok .wrong password pas di exstrak
part 4 error :v
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